Acheve more together

Become a tetronik Partner!

DAKS multiplies the possible applications of communication infrastructures. Our partners are ICT system houses, distributors, engineering offices and planners.

We provide our sales and service partners with a wide range of supporting aids and materials – from advertising brochures to trainings in our well-equipped tetronik training center.

Join the DAKS Force!

Together with our partners, we are a team of experts for effective, targeted and reliable communication - spanning from the optimization of everyday workflows to error messages and alerts in crisis situations or disasters. We help to get information to the right recipient reliably and quickly, to bring decision-makers together in important situations and to protect sensitive data.

Together we are... The DAKS Force!

DAKS trainings and certification

Get certified, become part of our highly qualified team and show your customers your expertise as a communications optimizer with our exclusive DAKS Force equipment.

Regularly trained partners receive 'DAKS-certified' status from us. As a certified partner, you will be included in our partner directory and linked on our website.

DAKS training

Find out about our current range of training courses on our partner portal and book your certification course today.

Exclusive dealer information

Do you want to work with the experts in alerting, informing and communicating? As our partner, you get access to high-performance products, expert advice and helpful tools!

As our partner, you also have the opportunity to register for our exclusive partner portal. Our partner portal is your daily hub for the latest information on product innovations and campaigns, marketing materials and ordering tools.

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