Special Solution


Distributed Alarm System in Accordance with IEC60601-1-8

The excessive number of alarms in hospitals and clinics undoubtedly leads to a desensitization of hospital and clinic staff ("Alarm Fatigue"). With the distributed alarm system consisting of DAKSmed, Dräger Patient Monitors, Infinity Gateway and mobile handsets, you can forward these alarm conditions to mobile devices in a highly individual way and customized to your individual needs.

This means that hospital and clinic staff receive fewer and more targeted alarm messages, they can better distinguish between non-critical and important messages and respond appropriately. The user-friendly, browser-based user interface makes it easy to enter and manage the various services and beds, clearly displays alarms and optimally supports your individual workflow.

Receive targeted alarm messages and respond effectively

Assign e.g. specific types of alarms or alarms from specific patient beds in a targeted way to the right nurses and fully mapped to the individual shifts.

Also, whenever a nurse is unable to take an alarm, e.g. because he/she is already attending to another patient, the DAKSmed user interface on the handset helps to quickly forward the alarm message to other colleagues and to make sure that no important alarm is ever delayed (functions depending on device type). In addition, the mobile handsets can be used to call for help straight away, especially in difficult situations when every second counts.

Application example

Alarm Management in Intensive Care Units

Medical device provides more relevant alarms and helps reduce 'alarm fatigue'
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